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Benefits of Physical Literacy

Physical literacy shapes many aspects of our lives. For example, competent movers tend to be successful both academically and socially. They understand and demonstrate healthy-active lifestyles, are able to transfer movement skills into different settings, and are more socially and psychologically resilient. Improving in all the features of physical literacy will promote the

  • development of physical competence;
  • confident participation in a wide variety of purposeful physical pursuits;
  • effective interaction in a wide variety of situations and environments;
  • development of confidence and self-esteem;
  • sensitive interaction with others;
  • knowledge and understanding of the importance of physical activity in maintaining health;
  • commitment to participate in a range of purposeful physical pursuits;
  • ability to reflect realistically on personal strengths and to select appropriate, purposeful physical pursuits in which to take part;
  • appreciation of the value of purposeful physical pursuits in their potential to enhance the quality of life.

 - Whitehead (2004, p. 43)

See the Benefits Hub for more information on the benefits of physical activity.